
Stream is a new feature provided by redis.

Since not all commands related are released officially(some commands are only referred in stream introduction ), you should make sure you know about it before using the api, and the API may be changed in the future.

For now, according to command manual , only XADD, XRANGE, XREVRANGE, XLEN, XREAD, XREADGROUP, XPENDING commands are released. But commands you can find in stream introduction are all supported in aredis, you can try the new feature with it.

You can append entries to stream like code below:

>>> entry = dict(event=1, user='usr1')
>>> async def append_msg_to_stream(client, entry):
>>>     stream_id = await client.xadd('example_stream', entry, max_len=10)
>>>     return stream_id

notice - max length of the stream length will not be limited max_len is set to None - max_len should be int greater than 0, if set to 0 or negative, the stream length will not be limited - The XADD command will auto-generate a unique id for you if the id argument specified is the ‘*’ character.

You can use use read entries from a stream using XRANGE & XREVRANGE

>>> async def fetch_entries(client, stream, count=10, reverse=False):
>>>     # if you do know the range of stream_id, you can specify it when using xrange
>>>     if reverse:
>>>         entries = await client.xrevrange(stream, start='10-0', end='1-0', count=count)
>>>     else:
>>>         entries = await client.xrange(stream, start='1-0', end='10-0', count=count)
>>>     return entries

Actually, stream feature is inspired by kafka, a stream can be consumed by consumer from a group, like code below:

>>> async def consuming_process(client):
>>>     # create a stream firstly
>>>     for idx in range(20):
>>>         # give progressive stream id when create entry
>>>         await client.xadd('test_stream', {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 1}, stream_id=idx)
>>>     # now create a consumer group
>>>     # stream_id can be specified when creating a group,
>>>     # if given '0', group will consume the stream from the beginning
>>>     # if give '$', group will only consume newly appended entries
>>>     await r.xgroup_create('test_stream', 'test_group', '0')
>>>     # now consume the entries by 'consumer1' from group 'test_group'
>>>     entries = await r.xreadgroup('test_group', 'consumer1', count=5, test_stream='1')