Welcome to aredis’s documentation!

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An efficient and user-friendly async redis client ported from redis-py (which is a Python interface to the Redis key-value). And the cluster part is ported from redis-py-cluster aredis is the async version of these to redis clients, with effort to enable you using redis with asyncio more easily.

The source code is available on github.


aredis requires a running Redis server.

To install aredis, simply:

$ pip3 install aredis[hiredis]

or from source:

$ python setup.py install

Getting started

For more example

Tip: since python 3.8 you can use asyncio REPL:

$ python -m asyncio

single node client

import asyncio
from aredis import StrictRedis

async def example():
    client = StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0)
    await client.flushdb()
    await client.set('foo', 1)
    assert await client.exists('foo') is True
    await client.incr('foo', 100)

    assert int(await client.get('foo')) == 101
    await client.expire('foo', 1)
    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    await client.ttl('foo')
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    assert not await client.exists('foo')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

cluster client

import asyncio
from aredis import StrictRedisCluster

async def example():
    client = StrictRedisCluster(host='', port=7001)
    await client.flushdb()
    await client.set('foo', 1)
    await client.lpush('a', 1)
    print(await client.cluster_slots())

    await client.rpoplpush('a', 'b')
    assert await client.rpop('b') == b'1'

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

# {(10923, 16383): [{'host': b'', 'node_id': b'332f41962b33fa44bbc5e88f205e71276a9d64f4', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7002},
# {'host': b'', 'node_id': b'c02deb8726cdd412d956f0b9464a88812ef34f03', 'server_type': 'slave', 'port': 7005}],
# (5461, 10922): [{'host': b'', 'node_id': b'3d1b020fc46bf7cb2ffc36e10e7d7befca7c5533', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7001},
# {'host': b'', 'node_id': b'aac4799b65ff35d8dd2ad152a5515d15c0dc8ab7', 'server_type': 'slave', 'port': 7004}],
# (0, 5460): [{'host': b'', 'node_id': b'0932215036dc0d908cf662fdfca4d3614f221b01', 'server_type': 'master', 'port': 7000},
# {'host': b'', 'node_id': b'f6603ab4cb77e672de23a6361ec165f3a1a2bb42', 'server_type': 'slave', 'port': 7003}]}

Dependencies & supported python versions

hiredis and uvloop can make aredis faster, but it is up to you whether to install them or not.

  • Optional Python: hiredis >= 0.2.0. Older versions might work but is not tested.
  • Optional event loop policy: uvloop >= 0.8.0. Older versions might work but is not tested.
  • A working Redis cluster based on version >= 3.0.0 is required. Only 3.0.x releases is supported.

Supported python versions

  • 3.5
  • 3.6


  • 3.7-dev


Python < 3.5

I tried to change my code to make aredis compatible for Python under 3.5, but it failed because of some api of asyncio. Since asyncio is stabilize from Python 3.5, i think it may be better to use the new release of asyncio.



For now, uvloop is not supported by pypy, and you can only use it with cpython & hiredis to accelerate your code. pypy 3.5-v5.8.0 is tesed and with it code can run twice faster than before.

API reference

Most API are described in `redis command reference<https://redis.io/commands>`_ what makes difference and those should be noticed are referred in doc specially. You can post a new issue / read redis command reference / read annotation of API (mainly about how to use them) if you have any problem about the API. Related issue are welcome.